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Region 4 IMCAT
Instructional Materials for Region 4 Area
Region 4 IMCAT serves a eight-county area comprised of 48 public school districts and 41 open-enrollment charter schools, representing more than 1.2 million students, 105,000 educators, and 1,500 campuses.
Want to join Region 4 IMCAT? Click here.
The Instructional Material Coordinators' Association Annual Summer Institute features all the information you will need to begin your school year. The virtual training series will be held on June 13 and June 14. This virtual training series for instructional materials coordinators will feature:
all the information you'll need to start the 2023–2024 school year,
valuable legislative updates from the 88th session,
six live one-hour sessions on topics relevant to new and veteran coordinators,
live Q&A with each instructor,
sessions available on-demand through September,
door prizes, and more!
Thanks to our Sponsors
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